Vaga: Vaga de Desenvolvedor de sistemas em Sao Paulo/SP
Cargo/Função: Desenvolvedor de sistemas
Localização: Sao Paulo / SP
Salário: a combinar
Empresa: BofA Securities
Descrição Geral
Empresa localizada na cidade de São Paulo/SP do ramo Informática, contrata Desenvolvedor de sistemas.
Provide insightful, objective and decisive credit research for institutional clients to support investment decisions in the most awarded global research house. Emerging market credit research covers investment grade and high yield corporate bonds issued by companies in latin america. The team is based in são paulo and new york, providing credit analysis of companies and sectors, and investment recommendations to institutional investors and trading teams. Who are we looking for? Students of engineering, business, economics, accounting, or related courses. Expected to graduate in december 2026. Fluent english is mandatory. Spanish is desirable. Skills we are looking for to fill a position in credit research: Strong knowledge in corporate finance and macroeconomics. Programming skills (python, sql and vba). Strong communication and writing skills. Analytical skills. Teamwork and accountability.
Tipo de Vínculo
Efetivo .
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