Vaga: Vaga de Analista de Negócios em Rio de Janeiro/RJ - home office

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Home Office

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Empresa localizada na cidade de Rio de Janeiro/RJ do ramo Comércio, contrata Analista de Negócios.


Result of service ultimate result of service the consultant (project management) will be responsible for the development and implementation of the technical content of the course project management - Monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning, which will be delivered in the distance learning modality (synchronous virtual workshops) and elaborated based on the 2030 agenda, the new urban agenda, and un-Habitat course project management - Monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning, along with the other courses that will be offered makes up for the second stage of this project and aims to enhance the municipal capacity for promoting sustainable urban development and supporting the collective construction of better cities for the present and future course will be offered via an online platform with synchronous activities, and it is aimed particularly at public managers, decision-Makers, stakeholders in general, and technical staff involved in the public policy cycle (formulation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation).The goals of this course are: (i) to introduce the methodologies and tools used in project management and project management cycle (ii) introduce the methodologies and tools used to create and collect indicators and in monitoring and evaluation processes (iii) raise the participants and the public sector awareness about the importance and daily use of indicators and monitoring and evaluation processes (iv) prepare the participants to create concrete proposals to monitor their impact and processes (v) to share local and global best practices based on the debate and examples of participants and (vi) to introduce case studies of projects within the brazilian consultant (project management) must, among other essential activities for the elaboration of the course: (i) define the didactic-Pedagogical project of the course, including the syllabus, general and specific goals, methodology, structure and format, competencies, contents, and

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