Vaga: Vaga de Controller em Rio de Janeiro/RJ - home office

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Home Office

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Empresa localizada na cidade de Rio de Janeiro/RJ do ramo Contabilidade, contrata Controller.


Finance - Rio de janeiro-Rio metropolitan ctr(bra) - Brazil- Prepare for review the asset internal budget (group budget) and subsequent closure forecasts the cost controller shall gather the technical inputs/ figures and consolidates with running costs allocated to the asset.- Prepare for review the jv budget and its revisions based on group budget and subsequent forecasts.- Issue monthly reports of capex and opex actuals vs. Budget and latest forecast.- Respond to any further need of actuals explanations and comparisons from the hq expressed by budget & reporting team.- Control and analyze the work program budget from received from the partners.- Analyze monthly billings received from partners.- Revise information/ figures for closure works (provisions of technical costs and time sheeting/ cost allocation cycles for running cost)- Identify any cost trends and challenge the technicians estimates and the affiliate time-Writing.- Support issuance of all necessary asset, subsidiary and partners cost information (ex.: afe - Authorization for expenditure submitted to partners).- Attend to jv meetings, such as fcm, and provide any support (documentation, presentation, explanation)- Organize internal monthly meetings with the jv accountant, jv coordinator and jv planning and development engineer.- Support internal and partners regular audits.- Maintain a system of storage and retrieval of asset budget and cost documents.- Maintain the asset wbs (work breakdown structure) masterdata on sap.- Perform sox (sarbanes-Oxley) controls related to operated assets.- Provide professional advice and guidance to all entities within operated assets direction with respect to cost and financial matters.- The employee shall perform his/her activities in compliance with the hse management system, aligned with one maestro principles and oriented to safeguard the integrity of people, the environment and companys assets and reputationContext and environmentIntense activity on non-Operated asse

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Efetivo - Home Office.

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