Vaga: Vaga de Auditor em Sao Paulo/SP - home office

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Home Office

Descrição Geral

Empresa localizada na cidade de São Paulo/SP do ramo Contabilidade, contrata Auditor.


Somos uma empresa focada em energia renovável, com geração hidráulica,solar e soluções sob medida de acordo com anecessidade de cada acreditamos na importância daenergia para hoje e amanhã e que todos podem e devem fazer parte destatransformação. Nosso modelo de negócios permite que os clientesdecidam a forma mais sustentável de suprir suas necessidadesenergéticas. We are looking for a empresa importante cybersecuritysenior auditor to join our team at position is responsiblefor executing cybersecurity and digital related audits and documentingrecommendations on opportunities to strengthen operating performanceand control sustainability within the cybersecurity and digitaldepartments. Primary responsibilities of the position will be focusedon cybersecurity and the processes established to implement a robustcybersecurity program. This position will work as a collaborativebusiness partner with broaden exposure to the company seniorleadership in the digital and cyber areas. Up to 35% of internationaland local travel the rollout,implementation and monitoring of cybersecurity standards and thought leadership and practical recommendations on methods toimprove the empresa importante implementation process in all and execute audits and advisory projects from auditscoping to objectives definition and audit programs and collaborate with the ciso and other seniorleadership. Communicate and articulate business insights andopportunities for the internal audit director inidentifying andcommunicating significant digital and cybersecurityrisks across to act in a empresa importante positionincluding local and international travel to facilitate work on a rangeof in and/or lead internal group activities ininternal audit teams digital transformation efforts, including dataanalytics and audits across a wide variety of riskareas such as system implementations, general it controls and aes cybersecurity exposure using cybersecurity tools and manual techniques to assess network security, end

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Efetivo - Home Office.

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