Vaga: Vaga de Desenvolvedor de Sistemas em Guarulhos/SP - home office

  • Cargo/Função: Desenvolvedor de Sistemas

  • Localização: Guarulhos / SP

  • Salário: a combinar

  • Empresa: Confidencial O que é isso?

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Home Office

Descrição Geral
Empresa localizada na cidade de Guarulhos/SP do ramo Informática, contrata Desenvolvedor de Sistemas.
Recognized as the leading software development company in the americas, our client offers 100% remote modality and an excellent work environment in which employees can thrive, work in multicultural teams, with flexible schedules and endless growth the role:we are looking for senior python developers to join our development team and participate in different projects made up of multicultural teams distributed throughout the world. We are looking for proactive people, team players passionate about programming in this language and oriented to provide the best experience to the end user. This is an excellent opportunity for those professionals looking to develop in one of the fastest growing companies in the industry!These developers will face numerous technical challenges, so they must use current technologies, get involved in the mobile world, web applications, devices, activities:- Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines.- Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible.- Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated :- 5+ years of practical experience in python and django development.- Experience in development with object-Oriented programming is desirable.- 3 years of development using other programming languages.- Good skills with xml and relational databases (oracle / ms sql / mysql).- Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including xml) and algorithms.- Advanced english :- 100% remote work.- Flexible hours - Make your own schedule!- Diverse and multicultural work environment.- Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays.- Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Excellent compensation  well above the market average.- Extensive opportunities for growth and professional development thanks to our mentoring the opportunity to have a dy
Tipo de Vínculo
Efetivo  - Home Office

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