Vaga: Vaga de Analista Desenvolvedor em Jaguariuna/SP - home office

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Home Office

Descrição Geral

Empresa localizada na cidade de Jaguariúna/SP do ramo Informática, contrata Analista Desenvolvedor.


Responsibilities: gather project requirements from various business users and technical staff members. Identify, question and record task dependencies, task efforts and task durations. Create accurate and organized work breakdown structure. Manage resource contention. Manage the project budget. Follow established project management guidelines and processes (e.G., system development life cycle) to develop, maintain, and track project plans, conduct project meetings and report project status. Work with management to ensure that established policies and procedures effectively engage and utilize infrastructure resources. Lead project status meetings to ensure good communication within the project team as well as ensure that meeting minutes and status updates are appropriately published to the team, stakeholders and interested parties. Produce or review documentation detailing the project plan, project status, individual deliverables, team member roles and responsibilities, project budget and contingencies. - Identify and respond to project risks. Escalate issues as needed. Follow up with team members, stakeholders, and clients when necessary to ensure accurate understanding of the projects condition. Participate in product and vendor evaluations. Participate in product testing and product training. Record and report on project hours and budget spent on a periodic basis. Participate in project review meetings. Give concise presentations on project objectives, issues, status, and approach to various management teams. Mitigate and resolve communications problems and team conflicts. Conduct performance evaluations of the project team members. Mentor other, less experienced project leaders. Completes other duties as assigned. Managers note need someone that has project management experience that includes significant work leading/managing technology deployments. The pm will likely be responsible for some of the repeatable phases of our migrations of applications and servers f

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Efetivo - Home Office.

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