Vaga: Vaga de desenvolvedor de sistemas em Sao Paulo/SP - home office

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Home Office

Descrição Geral

Empresa localizada na cidade de São Paulo/SP do ramo Informática, contrata desenvolvedor de sistemas.


Proven experience in coding with c# and/or java for cross-Platform applications. Strong understanding of object-Oriented programming and data structures. Ability to quickly learn new frameworks and technologies. Skilled in database development, including sql, query tuning, and database locking. Proficiency in debugging and manipulating code written in cobol, java, or c++ / c#. Familiarity with unit testing, test-Driven development, and cloud-Based deployment. Trained in agile methodologies and able to work in an agile development environment. Fluent english communication skills, both written and verbal.

Tipo de Vínculo

Efetivo - Home Office.

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