Vaga: Fluent bilingual customer service agent Curitiba PR em Curitiba/PR - home office
Cargo/Função: Agente de atendimento
Localização: Centro, Curitiba / PR
Salário: R$ 1.900,00 a R$ 2.035,00
Empresa: Sykes do Brasil Servicos de TeleAtendimento Ltda - Ver dados da empresa
Home Office
Descrição Geral
Empresa localizada na cidade de curitiba/pr do ramo administrativo, com 300 funcionários, contrata agente de atendimento
Ensino Médio Completo
Attention. - provide timely responses to customer inquiries, by telephone and/or email, according to internal and/or external demand, consistent with service and quality standards. Process orders, payments and customer accounts. Verify and resolve customer concerns. Training and experience: • complete high school; • intermediate english required • desirable experience with customer service, preferably in a call center; • knowledge of computers and rapid scanning; • written communication; • attention and concentration; • patience and tolerance; • communication skills under pressure. Training schedule: Regardless of the work schedule, the training period takes place in person, from monday to friday, from 9:00 am to 5:12 pm, and lasts 5 weeks. Time: 5x2 - two days off per week, 1 day off between monday and friday + 1 day off between saturday and sunday we have early hours (nighttime additional + uber to return home) -at the moment the operation is operating in person, but if the goals are achieved after the first 3 months, the agent will have the possibility of going to home office. - the salary is R$ 2.032,05 per month + vt + meal voucher or food + sulamérica dental plan + unimed medical plan (with co-participation) + opportunity to growth ment after 3 m in operation + leadership development plan+language development plan. - home office assistance in the amount of R$ 120.00 (after face-to-face period).
Tipo de Vínculo
Efetivo - Home Office.
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